

Neighborhood Delivery • Facility Delivery • Event Drink Delivery

three dax delivery robots

Dax Delivery Robots

Dax crews complete robotic deliveries of anything from food to medicine to coffee. Use Dax to make deliveries within your assisted living community, throughout your college campuses, or to a hole on your putting green; Dax robots get the job done.


  • Real-Time Delivery Tracking

  • Temperature-Controlled Cargo Bay

  • Flat Rate Monthly Fee

dax delivery radius

Delivery Radius

2.5-10 Miles

dax cruising speed

Cruising Speed


dax climate control

Climate Control

Adjustable Cargo Bay Temp

dax multi-terrain treads

Versatile Treads

Cement, Dirt, Gravel
or Snow

3-Step Set-Up Process:

1. Dax pre-maps entire delivery area and notes possible hazards

1. Dax pre-maps your entire delivery area and notes possible hazards

2. Company integrates Dax into their workflow

2. Your company integrates Dax into their workflow

3. Dax is automatically dispatched when a task is created

3. Dax is automatically dispatched when a task is created

It's time for robots that add to the community and consider human factors— Robots that are more of a "who" than a "what.": That's why we made Dax interactive. We created Dax to interact with humans as a kind of helper robot.

Dax is one of the only interactive Urban robots in the world, using his head and two "eyes" to take an organic approach to communication.

An organic approach.

Inventions like Dax can stimulate the economy by bringing things that didn't used to be cost-effective within our reach and creating a whole new branch of industry. But we don't think that more tech-savvy needs to mean less human.

A new branch of industry.

Dax is semi-autonomous— which means that he's self-driving. He uses its DaxOS operating system to drive himself and make intelligent decisions about how to get from one place to the next in a safe manner without inconveniencing other sidewalk traffic.

When Dax runs into decisions he isn't programmed to make, or that are too big for robots to make, one of our Dax quality control operators takes over.

Self-driving and safe.

Dax isn't just a new product; he's a new way of looking at robotics.

Dax delivery robot in rain

Request More Info:

…a report by McKinsey & Co predicted that by 2025 around 80 percent of “last mile” deliveries will be made by robots and self-driving vehicles. The work that Nova Dynamics, LLC is doing with Dax brings that possibility closer to reality.
— Corvallis Advocate
…On the first count, likeability, DAX appears to have hit its target. Named after “Dex’s Diner” in the movie Star Wars, where robots serve as waiters, the Nova Dynamics robot is decidedly cute, not scary.
…the two-foot tall robot is no joke. He addresses the costly missing link between distributors and consumers, known as the last mile. As delivery times drop to hours, or even minutes, last-mile solutions have become a critical focus…
— Oregon Business