“We want the future of urban robots to be something that we like”
About Dax
Dax is an AI Service Robot designed for urban spaces. We have three optimizations of Dax: one for security patrol, and one for gathering ROW ADA compliance and engineering data, and one for delivery.
We built Dax robots to be a psychologically safe and enjoyable experience for everyone they meet. Dax is one of the only interactive urban robots in existence, using a “neck” and facial expressions to communicate so that people don’t have to try and figure out what he is doing.
Will Service Robots Take Jobs?
We're betting that Dax won't affect the employment rate, but he will affect what's possible in everyday life.
Dax is most helpful for short-range delivery, which is unprofitable for people, and service robots open up other industry opportunities, such as gathering ADA compliance data for cities in a manner that makes accessible sidewalks a practical possibility. Inventions like Dax in the past have tended to change how we work rather than taking and giving nothing back. You can see this in innovations like the tractor, which replaced people plowing fields with horsepower (yay, horses!).
Won't People Steal Dax?
This has worked out in the areas we've gone to because Dax robots are heavy and hard to steal, and they have GPS, a brain, and live cameras. There's little point in stealing them because we could find a missing robot quickly. Dax robots also depend on their mother system to operate, so a Dax alone wouldn't be much fun.
Will Service Robots Be Dangerous?
Dax is designed with collision detection, just like some cars are.
Collision avoidance detects and avoids hazards mostly on its own. If Dax hits an incredibly congested or tricky area, he can alert a Dax operator. Dax also has an emergency stop that his operator can activate remotely or a bystander can physically press.
How Do Dax Robots Work?
Dax runs on a ROS-like system called DaxOS.
The difference is that DaxOS is created to operate in uncontrolled environments. DaxOS favors Node over Python or C++ and adds features like multi-chip voting and a centralized data store. DaxOS also allows us to bake safety-related code into the master and not rely on a node, which could otherwise die while the master is left running. To read more on DaxOS, visit https://daxbot.com/daxos
How Does Dax Know Where to Go?
We designed Dax to use GPS to route to its destination. Along the way, Dax’s cameras and sensors help it avoid obstacles and cross streets safely. Dax also uses DaxOS, his multi-chip voting operating system, to make decisions.
Can Dax Go Over Curbs?
Dax robots shouldn’t currently go over curbs but can go over potholes up to 10 cm deep and stay upright on uneven terrain. Dax robots can go anywhere that is ADA-compatible.
Does Dax Drive On The Road?
Dax robots operate as pedestrians when they are out doing things for people, as they use sidewalks and crosswalks to navigate neighborhoods. We designed Dax with good manners so he will avoid people and move over to make way for wheelchairs and strollers.
How Fast Are Dax Robots?
We designed Dax for a max cruising speed of 4 mph. They also have a turbo boost that they can use for crossing streets.
How Much Does Dax Cost?
Businesses, campus dining halls, resorts, and other organizations can launch a delivery service with Dax for a monthly fee. When using Dax for security patrol or for gathering ADA compliance data for public right-of-ways, a security company or engineering firm negotiates a contract specific to their needs.
How Big Is Dax?
Dax is 3 feet high and 2 feet wide. Three feet of robotic goodwill.
What Is Dax's Payload?
Dax’s cargo bay is .5 cubic meters (yeah, that doesn’t help us much, either). Dax can carry 537 Ping Pong Balls or two medium pizzas plus drinks. Personally, the pizzas and drinks sound more appealing.
How Far Can Dax Robots Go?
A standard delivery Dax has a 2.5-mile range. Security and ADA robots do not need temperature-controlled drawers and use specialized batteries that can go up to 12 hours between charges.
What Weather Can Dax Operate In
Dax can maneuver in snow and rain, as well as temps as low as -20C and up to 40C. Dax can’t swim. Yet.